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When Is It Not Okay to Get a Massage?

When Isn’t Massage Appropriate?

While massage therapy offers a wealth of benefits, it’s important to understand when a massage might not be the most appropriate course of action to ensure a safe massage experience. Certain health conditions may necessitate gentler forms of massage or require specialized techniques and treatment plans. The good news is, in many cases, your massage therapist can work with you to develop a personalized plan that addresses your specific needs and health situation.

​Even some prescribed or over-the-counter medications can contraindicate receiving certain types of massage therapy.  Be sure to list any medications you are taking, and inform your therapist of any changes since your last visit.

​In some situations, your massage therapist may request your physician’s consent and recommendations before performing massage.

It is important for you to fully complete your Health History form and keep your massage therapist up to date on your condition.  

​Be sure to let your massage therapist know if you have:

  • Any acute injury from a recent accident such as whiplash, sprains, or other soft tissue damage. 
  • Swelling or edema.
  • Acute conditions such as flared-up psoriasis, eczema, or rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Uncontrolled high blood pressure, diabetes, prominent varicose veins, osteoporosis, or any other serious medical conditions.   

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